We’re Winning! 30 Powerful Photos from the #NoMuslimBanEver Protests
The biggest threat to a White Supremacist agenda is solidarity and unity.
The biggest threat to an administration that targets people based on their religion is all of us, coming together, to say that we won’t stand for it.
This is why, for the past two years, we’ve been building MPower Change — to create a powerful grassroots Muslim presence in the movement for social justice. We’re building power to represent all of the diversity and beauty of our Muslim communities — and making a game-changing impact on national and local levels.
Last Wednesday, in Washington, D.C., a coalition of over 40 diverse organizations, led by Muslim community organizers, sent a message to Donald Trump loud and clear. Thousands came out in the middle of the week to march and declare together: No. Muslim. Ban. Ever.
The #NoMuslimBanEver rally was about showing Trump and everyone who’s watching: Muslim communities are organized, mobilized, and won’t be pushed around — and our allies have our back.
Coupled with two federal courts striking down the Muslim Ban in two separate rulings, it feels like momentum is on our side.
But as we’ve seen over these past nine months, they’re relentless in coming up with new ways to target Muslims — and that means that we can’t stop fighting back.
It’s going to take all of us, working together, to resist and dismantle this administration’s White Nationalist agenda.
That means that when they try to exclude people from the country based just on their religion — we stand up and demand No. Muslim. Ban. Ever.
It means that when they repeal DACA and call for mass deportations — we organize with our undocumented community members and protect each other.
It means that when they call for more abusive policing and violence against Black folks — we fight to make sure they know that Black Lives Matter.
It means that when they target the poor, the differently-abled, indigenous communities, women, LGBTQ folks— or anyone who doesn’t look or pray the way they do — we get together and call for dignity and equal rights for all.
It means that we do whatever we can, as individuals and by working together — whether it’s signing petitions, making calls to Congress, or making financial contributions.
Trump has been rolling out the Muslim Bans since his inauguration — a series of policies rooted in hate and xenophobia. Every single time a new Ban was issued, we came out by the thousands to airports, in the streets, and across courtrooms to shut it down.
Months later, the administration tried once again, using a twisted definition of “bona fide relationships” to keep families separated. Just weeks ago, they issued the third version of the Ban.
And yesterday, on the heels of two victories in federal courts, we came out in full force to let them know: no matter how many times you try, we still say #NoMuslimBanEver.